Zehr Insurance is proud to be a lead sponsor for Moparfest again this year! This weekend events… Friday August 19th is Show & Shine in downtown New Hamburg. Zehr staff will again be assisting parking cars. This event takes place from 6pm to 10pm but we recommend getting here early due to high volume of entrants. Saturday August 20th & Sunday August 21st Moparfest officially is underway all day at the New Hamburg Fairgrounds. Highlights include: free breakfast, live bands, Dukes of Hazard museum, 50/50 draw, over 1500 show vehicles registered, many vendors & more. Stop by the Zehr booth at Canada’s Largest All Mopar Car Show!
1953 Studebaker Champion Regal Starlight Coupe
Automotive designers voted the ’53 Stude coupes and hardtops (Starliners) as a top contender for the most beautifully designed cars of the 1950’s.